January Newsletter

Caring for your dog in Winter.
Hi everybody. Welcome to our January Newsletter!.
We hope you all had a really good Christmas and that 2023 will be a wonderful year for you.
The weather here in Staffordshire has been so cold and wet recently and according to the weather forecast the next few weeks it's going to get colder.
Leo and Charley love their walks whatever the weather. Charley soaks up the rain and snow just turns into balls on her feet. She gets very wet and shivery so if we go anywhere in the car I always carry a towel and her drying coat.
There is a lot you can do to keep your dogs happy and active in winter. We play all sorts of games in the house which keep them busy and stimulated.
Check out the best selling book 'Stop Walking Your Dog' written by Niki French from Puptalk.co.uk for ideas of how to keep your dog entertained without a walk.
They might need a quick toilet trip but they can do enriching activities indoors that will tire them just as much as a regular walk. Our new tug toys and snuffle balls will help to keep them entertained and busy.
If you are new to dog ownership you might like to read my new blog which is full of information and tips on how to care for your dog in wintry weather, The link is below.
Caring For Your Dog In The Winter
What's Happening at Leo and Charley and Me in January
January is always a quiet month but I'm grateful for it as there is quite a bit of admin to do at the start of the year. The biggest job is sorting out my accounts and doing my tax return.
Every year I plan to do my filing and paperwork at the end of each month but by the time we get to July I forget my good intentions and it all goes in a box. So there is quite a bit to sort out. My New Year's resolution is to stick to the monthly plan! Have you made any resolutions?
I'm choosing new fabric for Spring and planning to get out and about a bit more this year by taking my little stall to local fairs and shows. I will be putting a calendar on the website so if you are local you will know where to find me.
I'm delighted to say Leo has been feeling well enough to join me in the sewing room so he's back snoring on the sofa whilst I get on with jobs. When Charley comes up she tries to steal our new range of snuffle balls and tug toys. I don't blame her because they are so good for sniffing activities.
Check out Tug Toys and Snuffle Balls
The January Sale is here!
We know times are hard at the moment so we started the January sale in December and it will continue until February.
There are a limited number of boxed sets that are a real bargain which include a collar, lead and either a bow tie or bandana at a heavily discounted price.
There are 7 Christmas themed sets and 13 regular sets.
If bought as individual items they would cost between £47 and £55 but these sets are now available at £30 with 50% of each sale going to Spaniel Aid UK who do so much to help dogs in need of rescue .
Once the limited edition sets are gone there are no more!
There is also a 10% discount of everything on the website until the end of February if you use the January10 code at the checkout.
Discount code January10
Check out the Bargain Boxed Sets
I hope you all had wonderful Christmas.
We will be back in February with news of the Spring Collections with special dicount codes just for email subscribers!
Bye for now
Leo Charley and Kim