
Ten Things You Know If You Own A Spaniel

Ten Things You Know If You Own A Spaniel
Spaniels can be brilliant family dogs but do you know what to expect before you choose to include one in your life? Here are ten observations we have made since Charley exploded into our lives 5 years ago. It's a lighthearted look at life with a bonkers spaniel.

Keeping Your Dog Safe Around Food At Christmas.

Dog with chocolate cake
A festive guide to which foodstuffs can be fatal for your dog or the cause of severe illness at Christmas and beyond.

Five ways to get medication into your difficult dog

Dog taking medicine off a spoon

Dog taking medicine from a spoon When Leo was diagnosed with a painful degenerative spinal condition I had no idea how difficult it would be getting him to take his medicine and tablets especially when he had been prescribed 9 tablets and a dose of liquid medicine each day.

We tried many methods with varied success. You can read about our efforts here in our blog which I hope will help others struggling with anxious, suspicious and reactive dogs who are picky eaters.